Set up Apple Pay for a merchant

After you integrate with the Apple Pay JS API and the Payroc API, you need to set up Apple Pay for each individual merchant. We then generate a unique ID for the merchant's domain that you need to start an Apple Pay session.
To set up Apple Pay for a merchant, complete the following steps:
  • Step 1. Add the domain verification file to the merchant's domain.
  • Step 2. Add the merchant's domain to the Self-Care Portal.

Before you begin

Add the following subfolder to the merchant's domain: /.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association

Step 1. Add the domain verification file to the merchant's domain

  1. Log into the Self-Care Portal.
  2. From the side menu, select Settings, and then select Apple Pay Domains.
  4. Add the file to the merchant's domain in the following subfolder:

Step 2. Add the merchant's domain to the Self-Care Portal

  1. Select ADD NEW DOMAIN.
  2. In the Domain field, enter the merchant's domain name, for example,
  3. Select Save.
The Self-Care Portal redirects you to the Apple Pay Domains page where it displays the unique ID of the merchant's domain.
Important: Store the unique ID of the merchant's domain. You need to send the unique ID when you start an Apple Pay Session.