Card Payments

Dynamic currency conversion

Merchants can use the Dynamic currency conversion (DCC) service to give cardholders the option to pay in their own currency if the merchant…

Offline processing

If offline processing is enabled on a terminal, the terminal can still accept payments when it can’t connect to the gateway, for example, if…

Dynamic descriptors

A dynamic descriptor is text that describes a transaction on a customer’s statement. A dynamic descriptor helps to reduce the risk of a…

Interchange fee

The interchange fee is a non-negotiable fee set by card brands for the use of their networks. Payment processors like Payroc use the card…

Payment method verification

When running a transaction, we recommend that a merchant verifies the payment method to make sure that the person using the card is the…

Payment plans and subscriptions

Merchants use payment plans and subscriptions to take repeat payments from their customers. A payment plan is a template that describes how…

Payroc Cloud

Payroc Cloud is our semi-integrated payments solution that you can use to run card sales and refunds. With Payroc Cloud, your Point of Sale…

Refunds and reversals

Refunds and reversals are ways to return a payment to a customer. Whether you choose to refund a payment or to reverse a payment depends on…

Credit card surcharging

When a customer pays with their credit card, a merchant can add a surcharge to the customer’s total price to cover the cost of the merchant…

3-D Secure

Issuing banks use 3-D Secure to help prevent fraud in e-commerce payments. When a merchant runs an e-commerce payment, they can send details…

Payment process